Vedra Dental
24-hour Holistic Clinic

Smile with confidence!

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Hello! I am a holistic dental doctor who is interested in healthy ways of life, alternative medicine and all unconventional prevention methods, treatment and maintenance for a long period of time

Helping patients is my passion, which makes me even more determined to share about LifeWave. This is ingenious product that I have encountered in my researches over the years. These are some incredible medical products, that are NOT TRANSDERMAL , which have 85% immediate positive result, easily proven effect, not expensive, small in size,easy to use, approved by FDA and medical institutions. I already helped many people with chronic and strong pain. Treatment targets root cause of the pain instead of ease it (which drugs do), and self healing process is occurring. And this the result of only one of the seventh patches – IceWave. The remaining six are suitable for: stress – Aeon (one we use in OUR treatments before manipulations); Antiaging – Carnosine; detoxications – Glutathione; weight balance – SP6 Complete; nutrition energy, balance, flexibility,stamina – Energy Enhancer; healthy sleep – Silent Nights. I am only mentioning basic effects, because there are many others, as you can imagine, in using natural energies and frequencies – like the result that is happening when you eat an apple – many benefits.

This method is physical, cheap. It is quick break-through in nanotechnologies with no side effects, because it consists of natural and known for human body frequencies; mastering ancient greek knowledge “modern” days. This method uses human”s infrared energy field (heat that we release) and sends it back to us under various nano meters of light. Same is the result of interaction of our electrical potentials in our bodies (acupuncture effect).

As a holistic dental specialist, I have been searching for such ingenious simplicity, that helps people, for a very long time. …

Here are 3 short but very clearly explained videos:


Dr. Dragomir Vyzharov