Vedra Dental
24-hour Holistic Clinic

Smile with confidence!

Ведра Дентал

Dr. Vyzharov

Dr. Vyzharov is a doctor of dental medicine, member of Bulgarian Dental Union (BDU) and Bulgarian dental aesthetic academy. He graduates with honours from Dental Department of Medical University – Sofia in 1999 and received Masters degree in dentistry. In 2000 received post-graduate qualification in dental aesthetics in Outrup, Denmark from Dr. David Winkler (then President of the European Academy of Dental AestheticsEAED and co-founder and President of the Scandinavian Dental Association; member of editors team of “Reality” and clinical appraiser of CRA – Clinical Research Associates). Both doctors keep in touch about different aspects of dental profession and dental aesthetics also.

Dr Vyzharov has attended and attends numbers of dental practical and theoretical courses and seminars about Treatment of tooth decay, Endodontics, Parodontology, Dental aesthetics, and bulgarian and international symposia, and congresses regarding innovations in modern dental practice.

Since 1999 Dr. Vyzharov has had independent practice and is currently practicing in Dental Facility “Vedra Dental” – Sofia.

Dr. Vyzharov practices in: oral prophylaxis, treatment of tooth decay, Endodontics (treatment of roots), Parodontology, Prosthesis, Cosmetic dentistry – teeth whitening, bonding, zircon, ceramic (veneers, crowns and bridges).

He is of a dental family: forensic doctor, pediatrician, microbiologist. Speaks fluent English(First language school, Sofia) and Russian.